Borrowed Land

This will be the inaugural exhibition of the new artistic research project which looks at the performance of landscapes, specifically the rapidly shifting reclaimed lands of the Hong Kong Bay Area. It will feature original performance videos and installation and is the result of a residency offered by Ox Warehouse, Macau and research funding from UIC.
Opening performance 6th May
Exhibition 7 May – 9 June Ox Warehouse, Macau
Publication: The Men in White
Performance Research 28: 3 On Invasion 2024
Publication: Interactive Digital Live Art from China (book chapter)
Dundjerovic, Aleksandar and Ivan Pravdic, eds. Digital Performance Art -Participatory Practices in a Digital Age. ( University of Arts, Belgrade 2023) 346p. with illustrations.
ISBN 0788671670647
The Golden Tour

“As so often happens in China, what happens around the show is just as incredible, maybe even more crazy, than the show itself. This one was a real battle to pull off. The festival as a whole had a lukewarm welcome from the authorities, shopkeepers and security guards, in spite of the fact it was publicly funded. The quiet child-friendly events happening in designated squares were fine but a loud and unfamiliar golden tour was barely tolerated.”
The Tourofalltours Blog continues to be active with reviews of tours and walking art ideas. It has nearly topped 250,000 views and recent highlights include a review of Engels Quest Macau and The Completely Lost Tour
Film Acting
《怎么办》the Chinese independent art film, which Aitchison acts in, has got a DVD release. Directed Dan Wei 2023.
Audio Book
New Hansel and Gretel narrated by Bill Aitchison 2023
Midas Merdas @ SYSTEM Shanghai April 2023
Born Yesterday @ The Moment Space, Zhuhai April 2023