Along the Edge Arts Festival 2020
Love in the Time of Corona, from Last Minute Live Art, is a performance that was conceived and created in 2020 during the Corona-virus pandemic and is an artistic response to this new reality. The show deals with the varied emotional reactions people have had to the virus and, in different ways, asks what has happened to the feeling of love in this period.
The experience of being stuck inside, either alone or with family, has been a powerful one that has brought some people together and pushed others further apart. It has exposed many other problems within the society and at the same time has brought out unexpected reserves of generosity and kindness. Love in the Time of Corona makes some of these visible and allows individuals to tell their own story, creating a sense of global community within the pandemic.
The performance is a series of seven online solo shows that have been made by performers in China, the UK and US. These performances take place in the performers’ homes and they are given to an audience of one person at a time, who experiences it in their own home via a live video call on their phone. The seven pieces, performed in Mandarin and English, are interactive and involve the audience directly in the action. In this way the show has a very different feeling to the typical live stream as it makes the audience active, visible and an essential part of the encounter.
A book chapter on the performance in included here:
Dundjerovic, Aleksandar and Ivan Pravdic, eds. Digital Performance Art -Participatory Practices in a Digital Age. ( University of Arts, Belgrade 2023) 346p. with illustrations.
ISBN 0788671670647
Online links: Review of online dramatic forms (Chinese)